Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is required to ensure that a plan or project maintains the integrity of European sites, which are designated under the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive, in line with the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended).
Lepus has extensive experience in undertaking HRAs of plans across the UK. Our approach to HRA follows best practice guidance and case law. In order to ensure that the plan-making process fully takes into consideration the outputs of the HRA process, we seek to work closely with our clients as well as statutory and non-statutory stakeholders throughout the development of a plan.
Where required, we assist in the design and development of bespoke packages of mitigation, in consultation with regulatory bodies, to ensure that a plan can proceed with no adverse effects on the integrity of a European site. In particular we have experience of assessing air quality, recreational disturbance, urban pressures and hydrological impacts.
Lepus work extensively with local authorities and neighbourhood planning groups providing support across all aspects of the HRA process, including the provision of screening and appropriate assessment reports.