The Lee Valley Regional Park stretches for 26 miles along the River Lea from the River Thames in East London to Ware in Hertfordshire. Future development in the park is guided through the Park Plan which was adopted in April 2000.
The Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA) is currently in the process of undertaking a review and update of this Plan and is currently at the stage of finalising their strategic planning policies to reflect a new vision. Lepus were commissioned to undertake a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of this strategic planning policy review to ensure that these policies did not adversely affect the integrity of any European site. This process is compliant with the Habitats Regulations and ensures the protection of European sites as designated under the Habitats and Birds Directives.
The HRA took into consideration emerging legislation, including the Sweetman ‘People Over Wind’ ruling in the application of screening in the HRA process. We identified a number of key likely significant effects including public access and disturbance impacts on the Lee Valley SPA and Ramsar site and air quality issues on Epping Forest SAC.
We worked closely with the LVRPA and Natural England to design suitable mitigation to avoid adverse effects on the integrity of these European sites. This mitigation included policies to ensure the ongoing careful management of visitors to the park by directing them away from sensitive habitats, protection and enhancement of designated sites and promotion of sustainable modes of transport. Natural England agreed with the conclusions of the HRA and the planning documents are currently being considered by the Authority's Regeneration and Planning Committee.