Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 

Private client

Project Type
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Private client 
Napleton Lodge, Cambridgeshire, UK
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 
  • LVIA
  • Wind Turbine

Lepus Consulting Ltd was appointed by a private client to carry out a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) relating to a proposed development for a single EWT500 wind turbine at Napleton Lodge, Northamptonshire.

Lepus Consulting Ltd was appointed by a private client to carry out a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) relating to a proposed development for a single EWT500 wind turbine at Napleton Lodge, Northamptonshire. 

The turbine specifications were 48m tall to the hub and 54m to the blade tip, with the overall finish being a white, painted appearance across all surfaces.

The landscape surrounding the proposed site was rural in nature, consisting of large arable fields and pasture. The nearest settlements to the site are located in the town of Raunds and the villages of Keyston and Ringstead. The site is located at the western boundary of the county of Northamptonshire and lies close to Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. There are several public rights of way that pass near to the development site. These include bridleways and footpaths.

The assessment was prepared following GLVIA3 (2013).

The proposed development at Napleton Lodge will lead to minor adverse effects on landscape character and some of the local visual receptors, of which there are a limited number.


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