Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey

Bicester, Oxfordshire, UK

Project Type
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey
Bicester Heritage Ltd.
Bicester, Oxfordshire, UK
  • Heritage and ecology
  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal 
  • European Protected Species
  • Bat emergence surveys 

This project was undertaken to help inform planning considerations for a change of use of part of the land at RAF Bicester.

A Phase 1 Habitat Survey was undertaken on behalf of Bicester Heritage Ltd to provide an inventory of biodiversity value and to identify any ecological constraints or opportunities for land at RAF Bicester, to the north east of Bicester, of the A4421 road. 

The extended survey identified that the site contains locally important ecological features which include suitable habitat for bats, breeding birds and potentially reptiles.

The site is in a parkland setting with mown grass, mature trees and various storage buildings. Other habitat types including hedgerows, scrub and the grassland of the airfield itself, which is still active and used mostly by a local gliding club.

Lepus Consulting worked closely with the client and evaluated that the proposals for the change of use for the building in question will not have an adverse affect on the nature conservation interests at the rest of the site.

Landscape ecology is the cornerstone of emerging UK ecology policy, to plan at the landscape scale. To find out more about landscape ecology, please visit our services page or click here.


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