Habitats Regulations Assessment  

Epsom and Ewell, UK

Project Type
Habitats Regulations Assessment 
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council
Surrey, UK
  • Appropriate Assessment 
  • Air quality
  • Natural England 

A Habitats Regulations Assessment to identify and mitigate potential adverse impacts on European sites from Epsom and Ewell Local Plan Review.

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council is in the process of reviewing its Local Plan and preparing the Publication version of the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan. Lepus Consulting is undertaking a HRA to inform and support this stage of the plan-making process. The purpose of the HRA is to ensure that the Local Plan maintains the integrity of European sites in line with the requirements of the Habitats Regulations. 

The HRA is focusing on the following European sites:

• Mole Gap to Reigate Escarpment SAC;
• Thames Basin Heaths SPA;
• South West London Waterbodies SPA and Ramsar;
• Wimbledon Common SAC; and
• Richmond Park SAC.

Lepus has initially screened the proposed policies and site allocations.  
This has identified likely significant effects and defined the scope of further assessment required at the next stage of the HRA process (the Appropriate Assessment). The key pressures and threats that have been identified and analysed in detail include air quality, recreational impact, urbanisation and hydrology (water quality and quantity).

Lepus has experience of HRA work that has addressed similar threats at these European sites for other land use planning projects. This has allowed targeted advice to be provided alongside the plan’s development.

Lepus are working closely with the Borough Council to ensure that the plan-making process takes into consideration the outputs of the HRA fully to inform the development of the most appropriate policy and site allocation options moving forward to Regulation 19.
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is the process of undertaking an assessment to identify any implications a development plan or project may have on the designated interest features and conservation objectives of European Sites. To find out more about HRA, please visit our services page or click here.


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