East Winchester Downs Landscape Framework 

Winchester, South Downs, UK

Project Type
Landscape Scale Framework
South Downs National Park Authority
East Winchester Downs, UK
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Landscape character 
  • Biodiversity net gain 
  • Ecosystems services 

Lepus is currently working with Alison Farmer Associates (AFA) and Resource for Change (R4C) to produce a landscape scale framework and action plan for the East Winchester Downs, on behalf of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). 

The study area ‘East Winchester Downs’ is located on the western boundary of the South Downs National Park (SDNP), located to the east of the urban edge of Winchester. This is a highly sensitive landscape for biodiversity, heritage and natural beauty. 

 The study seeks to quantify and classify the special qualities of the area at the local scale in terms of landscape, biodiversity, heritage, natural beauty and recreation. The study has explored current issues and identified opportunities for conservation and enhancement at the landscape scale.  

The study has been informed through stakeholder engagement workshops and pop-ups to:

• Understand the range of impacts on the landscape;
• Restore natural beauty, habitats and landscape function through agreed changes to land use management;
• Reveal, restore and interpret historic and cultural landscapes; and 
• Improve access to the landscape. 

An action plan has been prepared for the area developing upon studies and stakeholder engagement to produce initiatives that can be delivered at four scales across the study area; whole study area, intervention zones, Local Landscape Character Areas and farms and estates. 

The project has been informed by both ‘grassroots’ approach, through stakeholder engagement and Farm Clusters, as well as top down approach, incorporating legislation and best practice such as Biodiversity Net Gain, Environment Bill and Environmental Land Management (ELM) system.
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