Sandwell Borough Council commissioned Lepus to undertake a desktop assessment of council-owned land and sites within Sandwell, with a view to establishing their suitability for use as receptor sites for ecological and habitat creation projects relating to the delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).
Sandwell is a heavily developed and urbanised area where it can be difficult for developers to provide sufficient capacity on or near their sites to deliver the full amount of BNG required to offset development. Lepus was therefore required to advise the council and allocate BNG sites within its emerging Local Plan.
Lepus organised an inventory of council-owned land and classified baseline land usage. The land parcels were evaluated for potential BNG capacity alongside the potential for ‘Habitat Banks’ for more specific projects. Lepus subsequently formulated a suitable draft policy wording for the Local Plan, including recommendations on estimated costs for the identified sites.
To aid these processes, field survey work was prepared by two surveyors. Surveys were led by a fully qualified ecologist and habitats were surveyed and classified using the JNCC Phase 1 habitat mapping protocol.
Lepus prepared a report to summarise the latter outputs. This involved low intervention recommendations for habitat enhancements at each location. Lepus also considered the potential for other methods of maximising biodiversity through medium-high interventions.
Lepus liaised regularly with Sandwell through regular project meetings, as well as day-to-day communications with the client. Lepus continues to support Sandwell with the development of their new Local Plan and has also conducted HRA and SA assessments in the area.