The SA of Chiltern and South Bucks joint Local Plan is assessing growth in a constrained environment. The London Green Belt and Chilterns AONB are both significant constraints to development, coupled with growth pressure meaning that the Duty to Cooperate is a key issue.
Most recently in the SA process, Lepus prepared a Sustainability Appraisal report to analyse the sustainability performance of potential development sites. A range of sustainability indicators were incorporated into this report. These included disturbance to biodiversity at Burnham Beeches SAC, air quality issues affecting both ecology and human health, landscape issues including impacts to the Chilterns AONB and adverse effects to cultural and historical assets, Drawing on a past evidence base in order to offer the most comprehensive analysis of sites possible, Lepus was able to evaluate each site’s sustainability performance and identify the likely significant effects of any prospective development.
As part of the assessment process, Lepus appraised the sustainability performance of large sites within the Green Belt. This consisted of approximately 40 strategic sites, all proposed for the development of over 200 dwellings. As large Green Belt sites, masterplans and other site-specific studies were considered during the appraisal process. Considering environmental, social and economic constraints, the best performing sites were identified.
Carefully prepared mitigation has the potential to be the most valuable way to utilise our environmental and sustainability expertise, therefore both general and site specific recommendations were given. These mitigation strategies were based upon recent experience and empirical research, aimed at improving sustainability of the potential developments.