The City of Wolverhampton Council commissioned Lepus Consulting to undertake a piece of work to evaluate the BNG potential at three council-owned sites within Wolverhampton
The City of Wolverhampton Council commissioned Lepus Consulting to undertake a piece of work to evaluate the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) potential at three council-owned sites within Wolverhampton.
The Biodiversitity Metric 4.0 Calculation Tool was used in this report to calculate BNG. This assessment tool was used when considering the direct impacts on habitats, within the footprint of a development, estate or project. The metric helped assess the biodiversity unit value of an area of land and to calculate the losses and forecast gains in biodiversity unit value resulting from interventions which affect habitats.
Lepus Consulting underwent several site assessments, these were carried out with a high degree of care and integrity. Field survey work was prepared by two surveyors and were led by a fully qualified ecologist. Habitats were surveyed and classified using the JNCC Phase 1 habitat mapping protocol. This enabled the preparation of Phase 1 habitat maps to be created.
The report includes low intervention recommendations for habitat enhancements at each location. All recommendations contained within this report seek to retain existing open access characteristics at each location. A total of 136.24 units were derived through a mix of habitat enhancement and diversification of habitat types on site.
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