The Parish of Uffington is located in Oxfordshire, within which the two key village settlements are Uffington and Baulking. Each of the villages has a strong and distinctive historic character and they are set within a gently undulating landscape. The nationally designated North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and its setting, protects the landscape within much of the parish.
The Uffington and Baulking Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group appointed Lepus to carry out a Landscape Capacity Study to assess the sensitivity and capacity of the landscapes within the parish to accommodate small scale residential development.
There is no defined methodology for undertaking landscape sensitivity and capacity studies. Lepus’ methodology is based on best practice guidance provided in:
- Natural England ‘An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment’ (2014);
- Scottish Natural Heritage and the Countryside Agency ‘Topic Paper 6: Techniques and Criteria for Judging Capacity and Sensitivity’ (2002);
- The Landscape Institute / IEMA ‘Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment’ 3rd edition (2013); and
- Scottish Natural Heritage ‘A Guide to Commissioning a Landscape Capacity Study’ (2017).
Landscape Capacity Studies are distinct from Landscape Character Assessments. Landscape capacity is defined as ‘the degree to which a particular landscape character type or area is able to accommodate change without significant effects on its character, or overall change of landscape character type. Capacity is likely to vary according to the type and nature of change being proposed.’ (Topic Paper 6, 2002).
Lepus’ methodology involved the classification and evaluation of the landscape using a defined set of criteria to determine landscape sensitivity. The evaluation of landscape sensitivity is combined with landscape value to determine landscape capacity. The assessment comprises a desk-based assessment, followed by targeted field studies to ground truth the findings. The study was carried out and mapped at the field parcel scale and used five scales of landscape capacity. The findings of the study indicate the capacity of each field parcel to accommodate small scale residential development. The study can, therefore, be used to inform decision-making relating to this area of planning.
The Uffington and Baulking Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ by The Vale of the White Horse District Council on 17 July 2019. The plan states:
‘The (Landscape Capacity) Study was conducted at the outset of the NP development work and set out clear consideration of the local area through a detailed study of the geography, topography, demographics, design and development of the NP area built form. It was used throughout the NP development process to inform choice and decision making regarding objectives and policy’.