Lepus Consulting Ltd was appointed by Kier Group on behalf of the Department for Education to carry out a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) of a new build secondary school in Perranporth, Cornwall.
The LVIA included an assessment methodology which described the landscape and visual assessments and included a guide to the determination of significance.
The report provided a description of baseline landscape character including the existing landscape elements that affected the character of the site and surrounding landscape. This data was obtained via field observation as well as published Landscape Character Assessments. The baseline outlined any landscape character studies that are relevant to the site and locality. It also considered any landscape related designations within the study area.
Lepus Consulting incorporated a proposed scheme describing the proposals for the site relevant to the consideration of the potential effects on landscape character and visual amenity. Inherent mitigation measures are also described.
Landscape and visual effects were assessed using the landscape character area profiles and a site-specific landscape assessment. Photographic studies were also used to analyse the effects on views and the extent of visibility of the proposed development.